Muser Apac Sdn Bhd
V Office 2, VO2-03-12,
Lingkaran SV,
Sunway Velocity,
Jalan Peel,
55100 Kuala Lumpur,
+603-2742 7468

Thermal Imager

Testo 872 - Thermal Imager with App [SKU 0560 8721]

Testo 883 Kit Thermal Imager with 2 Lenses & Accessories | Testo by Muser

Testo 883 Thermal Imager

testo 890 Thermal Imager with One Lens & Fever Detection

RM 18,648.00Add to Cart

Testo 890-1 - High-End Infrared Camera with Digital Camera [SKU 0563 0890 V1]

Testo 890-2 - Thermal Imaging Camera [SKU 0563 0890 V3]

Testo 871 - Thermal Imager with App [SKU 0560 8712]

Testo 868 - Thermal Imager with App

RM 13,230.00Add to CartRM 9,415.00Add to Cart

Testo 865 - Thermal Imager [SKU 0560 8650]

RM 6,497.00Add to Cart   

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