Muser Apac Sdn Bhd
V Office 2, VO2-03-12,
Lingkaran SV,
Sunway Velocity,
Jalan Peel,
55100 Kuala Lumpur,
+603-2742 7468

Surface Temperature Measurement

Testo 915i Thermometer with Surface Probe & Smartphone Operation

Testo 915i Temperature Kit with Smartphone Operation

Testo Smart Probes Heating Kit

Testo 115i Clamp Thermometer Operated via Smartphone | Testo by Muser

RM 676.00Add to CartRM 1,091.00Add to CartRM 1,804.00Add to CartRM 475.00Add to Cart

Testo - Mini Surface Thermometer [Delivery: 3-5 days subject to availability]

Testo 115 i - Clamp Thermometer with Smartphone Operation [Delivery: 3-5 days subject to availability]

Testo 905-T2 - Surface Thermometer with Large Measuring Range [Delivery: 3-5 days]

RM 658.00Add to Cart 

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